
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Tuesday May 29th, Rufford - Glover's Swing Bridge, near Burscough

So summer’s over then. A much cooler and cloudier start to the day than we have seen for a week or so. Fortunately we were able to enjoy what seems like the last day of summer yesterday at the wonderful Rufford Old Hall, a National Trust property just over the canal from the moorings, but about a half mile to walk to.
Exterior of Great Hall, Rufford Old Hall
Detail from The Screen
Garden Front, Rufford Old Hall

Having untied we cruised under the road bridge and turned right into St Mary’s Marina where we exchanged a gas cylinder and were able to empty a loo (for free – the loo that is, not the gas!). We had been warned off the other marina (Fettler’s Wharf Marina), the entrance to which is directly opposite St Mary’s, as they are a bit unfriendly to visiting boats – and don’t try to wind in the entrance or you’ll get shouted at!
Business successfully transacted we manoeuvred out and headed for Rufford Lock, as we regretfully retraced out steps up the arm and back to Burscough Junction.

Potato fields are everywhere – some in full growth (earlies), some just showing (maincrop). It must be a picture when the plants are in flower – purple, pink & white all around.
Plenty of water, Rufford Arm
Moss Lock, Rufford Arm
We passed a few boats we had seen moored up on our way down, they had just moved up a lock or two and tied up again. Can’t say I blame them. Otherwise it was as quiet as the proverbial church mouse.

Elaine worked her way up the locks steadily, enjoying, as I had on the way down, the wide variety of paddle gear. Fortunately, every lock was empty apart from the second from the top which appears to be always full thanks to badly leaking top gates. One boat was met at Runnel Brow Lock – the first moving boat of the day.
Just as we finished rising in this lock, we saw movement at the top lock and were surprised to see two more boats waiting to enter the arm (and two more round the corner waiting to join them). So, Elaine had a lot of help at the top (including the swing bridge). Two of the boats had been in Salthouse Dock with us (we had passed them near Crabtree Lane Swing Bridge a few days ago) and Elaine got a good bit of reassurance about the Rochdale Canal which is where we’re headed.

Glover's Swing Bridge
Once out of the lock we turned left at the junction and negotiated Glover's Swing Bridge where I was particularly pleased to delay two sporty Audis, the drivers of which looked a bit depressed at having to wait for a mere boat. Why is it that most examples of bad/inconsiderate/arrogant driving seem to be from drivers of Mercedes, BMW’s and Audis? Is it a German thing?......
Enough of the political incorrectness.

Mooring near Glover's Swing Bridge
Just through the bridge we tied up and enjoyed the sun which had by now made an appearance and was replicating the heat of the last few days.

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